Thursday, April 8, 2010


This is a great video to use in HPE. It's a great way to engage students into talking about healthy food choices. The guy is quite entertaining so would keep the student's interest.

The benefit in using video as part of a lesson is the ability for students to re-watch if they wish and absent students can catch up on the lessons or even view from home. The other benefit is there is no point re-inventing the wheel, if someone has produced a clip that says what you want to say in an informative and entertaining way - use it!


  1. Rebecca,
    I completely agree with your comment about not needing to 're-invent the wheel'. There are so many resources out there to use, and often other people's ideas provide new perspectives and engage students in different ways.
    Thanks, Laura

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    What a fantastic post you have created. I love the embedded video about sugar in a can of soft drink. Its a great way to aid students in understanding what they are consuming and how to find out if a food is high in sugar, or low in sugars.
    I love YouTube, as it allows students to access, as you said, the videos at home or when absent to catch up on lessons. What a great concept.
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. Hi Rebecca, that is an excellent movie and I would love to use that with my Year 7 class. At my school the class teachers are responsible for Health and that is a great way of linking Science and HPE together, and something I think would really engage the students. Thanks a lot for sharing that.

