Sunday, March 28, 2010

Powerpoint Presentation

Another achievement. I have successfully created a powerpoint, uploaded it to slideshow and embedded it in my blog.

My powerpoint is an introduction to the moon and it's phases for year 3 Science. I found a great clip on youtube showing the phases but I have only put a hyperlink in my presentation as I don't know how to put the actual clip in. I'm waiting on replies from the forum for help.

Powerpoint is so different from how I had lessons in school. To be able to do a presentation with photos and video all linked seamlessly is great. Makes a great change from the teacher writing on the blackboard, showing some overheads and maybe playing a video (after wheeling the huge TV into the room). It keeps the flow of the lesson on track and to be able to research using books and the web gives a variety of information for the students.

I have employed parts Kearsley and Schneiderman's Engagement Theory as follows: students work in a group to research moon facts and they have a project where the students create a moon phases diary. This engages the student by having them really look at the moon over a month rather than just looking at pictures in a book. They use a table to record their moon picture - collating data. Further lessons would look at the moon's effect on the tides using the moon phases diary.

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