Monday, March 22, 2010


Wow, this was actually quite easy to do and I enjoyed it. This is going to be a great tool to use especially for writing tasks attached to any of the KLAs. What child wouldn't want to write a story or report so the voki could speak? This tool will show the sudents that writing isn't just about books but that you need these skills for the internet as well. This would address DoL 1 Attitudes & Perceptions - perceiving the task as valuable and engaging the student in the task.

Vokis would encourage children who are poor writers to become excited about writing by showing them a real world application. It encourages creative thinking and easily combines ICTs within any of the KLAs.

Combining a voki and a wiki would be a great way to engage any primary class. I am feeling better equiped as we go to be able to integrate ICTs in my LEPs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca,

    I am also feeling confident with incorporating ICTs into my lesson plans. I still think back to our mahara session during residential school and laugh at how stressed we were about learning all these ICTs but by engaging in the course early we have both come such a long way and it has been fun for me. I used a voki last week in class as a "hook" at the start of the lesson and the children were interested in the content from the start.

